Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I am up at Minnesota visiting my cousins and aunt & uncle. My mom, my grandma, my sister, and I went shopping yesterday with the gift cards we got. We both pitched in to get a mini trampoline at Walmart. At Walmart, I also got a DS carrier, and a roll of yarn with knitting needles. Then we went to Target. At Target I got a huge plush dog, a DS game called Imagine Detective, and a sweater with different shades of brown.
How was your Christmas?? Have a good rest of the day and a good rest of the break...I really don't want to go back to school...I don't feel like it!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you have a good break! I hope I can get together with you soon....on New Years Eve, I am going to be watching my cousins.
