Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

~It's New Year's Eve....tonight I am celebrating in Minnesota with my cousins, aunt & uncle, sister, and grandma! We are going to have pizza for supper and have a Wii tournament. I'm excited! I hope you have a good New Year's Eve too Bella! Hope to see you soon!~
Happy New Year's Eve!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How Cute!

My cousin Griffin is in his monkey pajamas running around...he is so funny! He likes to play Beat It on the drums for Guitar Hero. My cousin Elyse is bouncing on their mini trampoline....can't resist! My cousins are just the funniest! Hope to see you soon Bella! My cousin Griffin got this Splatster game for the TV. Elyse got the trampoline, but they share it. Christmas is just the most fun! Love it! Once again, hope to see you soon! BLOG me back!


I am up at Minnesota visiting my cousins and aunt & uncle. My mom, my grandma, my sister, and I went shopping yesterday with the gift cards we got. We both pitched in to get a mini trampoline at Walmart. At Walmart, I also got a DS carrier, and a roll of yarn with knitting needles. Then we went to Target. At Target I got a huge plush dog, a DS game called Imagine Detective, and a sweater with different shades of brown.
How was your Christmas?? Have a good rest of the day and a good rest of the break...I really don't want to go back to school...I don't feel like it!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bella, Do you check this anymore?

Hey Arabella! Do you check our blog anymore? This is actually my first time in a while. So what are you doing today? I am hanging with my grandma who is the coolest and BEST ever! Did you know it could possibly flurrie on Saturday?? Ugh...I don't feel like waiting for summer...AGAIN!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

American Girl

I went to the American Girl Doll store and got my girl's hair done. It is called a veil. Very pretty!! I also got my doll's ears pierced!! They got star earrings and a 6-pack of earrings for free!!!


Sunday, August 9, 2009


How do you insert a picture again?? Help me!!


Sunday, June 28, 2009


Hey Summer is the best, I hope you guys are having a great summer because I am and it is even funner because I get to go to the Dells (kinda Mnt. Olympus) with Lindsey!!!!!

Bella (BXella)